Wednesday 3 October 2012

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child Logo_color
 Here is one of my cards for Operation Christmas Child this year.  I just found out that if you send your address along with the card you send the child, they may write back!  Sending a card and a photo of yourself is essential because the children love to hear from the people who sent the gift and they would love to know what you look like.  Did I mention that this is my favorite charity??!  Visit their web site: here.
We are just putting together our boxes now and I found these cute tambourines I had saved (because I had gotten them for free at a rally) so I decorated one for a girl and the other (not as nice - so no photo) for a boy.  Very easy and pretty.  Hope she likes it.  I'm also taking the flowers from this post and adding hair elastics, hair clip or safety pins to the backs so I can give them to the girls.  Operation Christmas Child is a great way to give your crafting!

Go to this web page for Operation Christmas Child and print out the All about me colouring page to add with your card.  (Its really for a child but a fun adult could use it too!)

Most importantly, don't forget to pray for your child/children!!

the little mennonite

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